Earth Day(s) 2021

What an incredible Earth Week! We spent the days with some amazing ocean-minded students at Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School teaching both virtually and hands-on about Biscayne Bay ecosystems and the watershed, and how our actions on land directly affects the health of our ocean. We brainstormed on changing behaviors, communicating our message to others, and the need to act NOW! These Blue Scholars know that the future of our Blue Planet lies in their hands.

Special thanks to the teachers and schools for inviting us in to share our program, and of course, to our Blue Scholars.

Biscayne Bay Ecosystems virtual program

South Pointe Elementary, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Classes

Hands-on Watershed program

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School, 5th grade class

Coral Estates Park Tree Planting

One Tree Planted & Million Trees Miami


We concluded our Earth Week with a native tree and shrub planting (~100) alongside One Tree Planted and Million Trees Miami. While our focus is on the bay and ocean, providing marine science education with four quarterly cleanups a year, it was nice to switch gears to address the impacts of climate change by helping to reforest our urban landscape - a holistic approach to ocean stewardship.