Are you a school-aged outdoor enthusiast, nature lover and/or budding environmentalist?
Get involved and share your voice
If so, Blue Scholars Initiative wants to share your voice / story / passion through our "Blue Scholars Spotlight" project. We wish to highlight your positive actions and environmental stewardship to offer hope at this time when it is needed most. Participation is voluntary and “spotlights” will be presented through the Blue Scholars online media outlets including, but not limited to, e-newsletters, blog, social media channels, etc. Participants will be recognized only by their first name and/or school and grade but are encouraged to submit a photograph or video to accompany their spotlight.
Submissions can be created through either 1) Word document, 2) audio recording, or 3) video recording. Regardless of method, submissions will be edited to ensure best representation of student.
For more information and details to get started, please contact:
Adam Steckley,